今年11月、Walk and Talkイベントに参加しましょう!私たちはハイキングを行い、有名な美しい高見山を登ります。歩きながらEPの講師と他の生徒たちとチャットしましょう!山の頂上に向かう途中で、とても美しい景色が待っています。
This November, join us for the Walk and Talk Event! We will be going on a hike in the mountains, scaling the famously beautiful Mount Takami.
Chat with English teachers and other English-Please! students as we make our way to the summit of the mountain, where a very scenic view awaits. We will meet at English-Please! in the morning and travel together by car to the beginning of the trail.
We’ll walk up the mountain at a leisurely pace, taking photos and seeing the sights. We’ll eat lunch at the top of the mountain. After the hike, we’ll go to the hot springs to relax. It’s going to be a very fun time! If you would like to join the event, you can find a sign-up sheet in the Adult Machiai, or you can visit the website:
You can view galleries from past events on the website as well: