So, another year will be finishing in a few months. That means it’s time for the 16th Annual English-Please! Bonenkai!
On December 1st, we will be getting together at one of the nice local restaurants here in Kashihara to celebrate the close of another great year. Come join teachers, students, and managers as we all relax together, eat delicious food, and maybe have a few drinks as well! We will have a fun activity planned for the evening as well, complete with prizes for the winners! Every year for the past fifteen years,
English-Please! has hosted a Bonenkai celebration. It’s always one of the most enjoyable events of the year for everyone, so make sure you reserve yourself a seat! We will have lots of people coming, so feel free to sign up early.
The event will run from about 20:00 to 22:00 on Saturday, December 1st. We look forward to seeing you there!
You can sign up for this event at: https://www.english-please.com/student_pages/2018-12-bonenkai/
毎年過去15年間 EP! Bonenkaiのイベントを主催しています。今年の最も楽しいイベントの1つですので、席を確保してください!来られる生徒様がたくさんいるので、早めにサインアップしてください。このイベントは、12月1日土曜日の午後8時から午後10時まで行われます。
https://www.english-please.com/student_pages/2018-12-bonenkai/ To see photos from last year’s Bonenkai