橿原市に初めてスクールをオープンして以来18年、この度大変嬉しいことに、English-Please!の新校舎を田原本町の保津に開校することを発表させていただきます。オープンは2019年10月を予定しております。新スクールは、以前からご要望の多かった、車でのアクセスの良さと無料駐車場を兼ね備えております。 新校舎の特徴は、より広くモダンな教室です。待合室は少し小さめ、リーディングツリーも八木校ほどたくさんではないのですが、無料の駐車場がご利用いただけ、English-Please!の生徒様のお住まいのエリアからも近くなります。

橿原のK’sデンキ橿原北店から車で7分 !!ととてもアクセスの良い立地です。 オークワ田原本店も近くなので、お子様のレッスン中のお買い物も便利です。

初めは限られたクラス数でのオープンとなりますが、2020年4月にたくさんのクラスを開講できるよう準備をしております。2020年10月頃には、English-Please!初となる英語検定試験対策のクラスも開講予定です。 2019年11月17日(日)にオープンスクールを予定しております。 田原本校の更新情報の確認やメールでの更新情報購読ご希望の方は、 https://ep-kids.com/tawaramoto-kou/ へアクセスしてみてくださいね。


New English-Please! Branch Open

We are proud to announce that after 18 years in Kashihara, we are opening a second branch of English-Please! in the wonderful little town of Tawaramoto in October 2019. This is in response from feedback asking us for easier road access and free parking, both of which our new school will offer.

The new facility will feature larger and more modern classrooms than the school in Kashihara. It will have a slightly smaller waiting area and not as many Reading Tree books, but many parking spots that are free of charge and it is very close by car to many areas where our students live.

For example;

  • Matsuzaka area; 11 minutes by car
  • Kashiba area; 16 minutes by car
  • Koryo area; 8 minutes by car
  • Oji area; 18 minutes by car
  • Tenri area; 18 minutes by car
  • Koriyama area; 21 minutes by car
  • Sakurai area: 19 minutes by car

The school will be offering a limited number of regular adults and kids lessons from October and many more group lessons will be open from April 2020. In October 2020, we will be opening our first English examination preparation services.

So that existing students can check out our new facility and decide for themselves if they would like to switch to Tawaramoto branch, we are holding an open day on November 17, 2019.

We have also set up a special mailing list for Kashihara students who would be interested in learning more about the new branch as it grows. To join the mailing list and see the latest pictures of the school, please visit https://ep-kids.com/tawaramoto-kou/

Because we spend the student’s tuition fees on better teachers, better facilities and a better curriculum instead of marketing and advertising, we are very much a school that owes its success to the students themselves. Without the word of mouth we simply could not make this school work. Thank you so much as always for making our school a success. We sincerely hope you will visit and enjoy using our new branch.
