I am sorry to say that I am leaving English Please at the end of August. I must go back to Alaska for the time being to work and help at my family’s company. This was a difficult choice to make, but I believe it’s the right one.
Winnie The Pooh said it best, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” I started my time at English Please with a simple hello, but must end it with a complicated goodbye. These past four years have been amazing. Every year has brought new students, new challenges, new lessons, and new hopes. I will never forget this school and the people who made it special.
I have taught so many of you over the past four years, and as I get ready for my next adventure, I think of you all now more than ever. I think of my Wednesday PPB class who were in With Mama when I started teaching them. I think of my crazy P3 classes who try so hard but still have fun in class. I think of my YLE-F class who have studied at English Please longer than I’ve been a teacher. I am proud of you all. And EY for Teens, you all make me laugh. You are such a fun class.
The adult classes, too, have been amazing. My Wednesday EY class brings joy to my heart every week, and seeing them check out books from the Cafe Reading Tree makes me proud as a teacher. My Native Media class on Thursday has always been fantastic. One student in that class I have taught for four years, and to watch her grow in both English skill and confidence has meant the world to me.
I am leaving English Please. I must go back to Alaska for the time being to work and help at my family’s company. It’s a physical job, construction. It’s very different from being an English teacher. I look forward to my new life, and for the chance for my wife and I to create our own family. However, I will miss English Please, my coworkers, and you – the students.
Thank you for everything. Life, like English study, is not a sprint, but a marathon, and as I continue on my path I wish you all the best as you continue down yours. There is always a chance we will meet again. Until then, I leave you with my finals words: “Pineapple pizza is the best pizza.” See you, Matt Freel
残念なお知らせですが、私は8月の最後の週でEnglish Pleaseを退職することになりました。私は家族の会社を助ける為にアラスカに帰ります。私にとって難しい選択ですが私はそれが正しいものだと信じています。
私はこの4年間生徒様より多くの事を教えてくれました。特に水曜日のPPBのクラスは、With Mamaの時から教えましたので、思い出深いです。P3クラスは元気があってとても楽しかったです。YLE-Fクラスはとてもレッスン内容が濃く、私は皆さんを誇りに思っています。そして、木曜日のEY For Teensクラスは、いつも私たちは笑わせる。EY for teensのクラスはとても楽しいクラスです。
大人のクラスも素晴らしいです。私の水曜日のEYのクラスは、毎週私の心に喜びをもたらし、Reading Treeの本を毎週借りている事は、私は先生として誇りに思っています。木曜日の私のネイティブメディアクラスもいつも素晴らしかったです。そのクラスの一人の生徒は、私は4年間教えてきました。彼女は今英語のレベルは素晴らしく伸びています。
私が自分の道を歩み続けていくうちに、あなたはあなたのことを続けていくうちに、あなたのすべてを祈っています。いつでも会えますのでまたどこかでお会いしましょう。最後に一つだけ:「パイナップルピザは最高のピザです。」 またどこかでお会いしましょう。 Matt Freel