The Kakuzuke Night Adult Event is Coming Soon!
This July, English-Please! will be holding an incredibly fun Kakuzuke Event! Come join our foreign staff for a night of eating, drinking and socializing as we test your discerning tastes with this fun gameshow-style activity!
We will be having two teams competing to decide what foods, drinks, music, or objects are high-end, expensive items and which are low-end, cheap versions! Students and teachers with good taste will be rewarded, while those who can’t tell the difference will be punished!
Categories include items such as ice cream, cheese, and even fine wine! This will be an Adults-only event, so feel free to cut loose and have a fun, relaxing time right here at the English-Please! Cafe.
Come for the games, food, and drinks, and stay for the nice atmosphere and English conversation! The event will be held on Saturday, July 14th. The doors will open at 19:00, and the games begin at 19:30.
We will finish between 21:00 and 21:30. We look forward to seeing you there! Sign up in the Adult Machiai or at https://www.english-please.com/student_pages/2018-07-14-kazukenight/
今年7月14日、土曜日の19:30にENglish-Pleaseのカフェで楽しいゲームをします!名前は、「English-Pleaes! KAKUZUKE」です。
高いものと、安いものを見極めましょう!Aを選ぶか、Bを選ぶかあなたはどちらを選びますか? 大人のみのイベントですので、お気軽に英語を使ってお楽しみください。
21:00〜21:30の間に終了します。 We look forward to seeing you there!
Adult Machiaiのサインボードまたはhttps://www.english-please.com/student_pages/2018-07-14-kazukenight/で登録してください