First of all, thank you to everyone who attended our March 2018 Quiz Night Event! On behalf of all of the staff at English-Please!, we hope you had as much fun as we did! You all made this event a very fun time for everyone! Our theme for this Quiz Night Event was, once again, Wheel of Fortune.
It is a fun game that is based on a television show from the United States. We created word puzzles and displayed them up on the big screen, and took turns picking letters to fill in the blanks. The competition was fierce this year! Everyone did an excellent job playing the game, and there wasn’t a single puzzle that our students weren’t able to figure out. Many people brought delicious food to share with everyone, and there was plenty to drink as well.
It was a very enjoyable evening! Thanks again to all the students who made this event so much fun! You can see photos from the event here: https://www.english-please.com/student_pages/2018-03-quiz-night/ We will have more Adult Events coming up throughout the year. Keep an eye open for upcoming events that might interest you!
We would be happy to see everyone at our future events, and don’t forget you can bring friends and family members too! You can learn more about events at English-Please! at: https://www.english-please.com/events/ You can reserve a spot at upcoming events at: https://www.english-please.com/events-guide/
とても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。 このクイズナイトイベントのテーマは、Wheel of Fortuneでした。これは、米国のテレビ番組を元にした楽しいゲームで単語パズルを作成して大画面に表示し、空白を埋めるために、アルファベットを選んで空白を埋めていくというゲームでした。
ここからイベントの写真を見ることができます: https://www.english-please.com/student_pages/2018-03-quiz-night/ 私たちは一年を通して沢山の大人のイベントを開催する予定があります。次回は、7月のイベントになります。7月も沢山の方がご参加いただけるのを楽しみにしています。是非、下記で日程等確認してくださいね。: https://www.english-please.com/events/ 次回のイベントは、下記で予約できます。または、スタッフにお知らせくださいね!! : https://www.english-please.com/events-guide/